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If you would like to learn, practice and improve how to draw animalportraits in pastels, your are right here!
 "ANIMAL ART CLUB", a place for all artists and animallovers who want to draw animals in pastels will open its doors again soon!  

Every month you will get new drawing tutorials for beginners: for example animal eyes, noses, fur and so on. It is about the basics of animal portraits with lots of focus-tutorials, like drawing a dog eye, or fine fur structures. How can I draw  a paw? You will learn how to draw realistic short and long fur in different textures and colors, various eyes, noses, ears with fine hairs, whiskers, tails,...

And then there will be every month a new full tutorial of an entire animal portrait. And we will meet for Q & A sessions.

Do you want to be part of it? To get all informations in time, join the wait list:



ANIMAL ART CLUB membership

We will open the doors soon!
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